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expresif,pecinta kucing,penghayal, pecinta petualangan, Kaskuser, Londoners (LSPR stud) n blablabla...

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Hidden Paradise Kiluan Bay, Laguna Dodo, & TN. Way Kambas

28 Desember 2012

-Masuk Bus langsung narsis-

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012


22 Desember 2012, Pukul 22:12

Di hari ibu ini gw membuat rencana mungil untuk mmbuat mama dan tante gw (dia bagaikan ibu bagi kami)...
rencananya adalah:
membuat mereka terharu ketika kami yanyikan lagu "tian xia de mama dou shi yi yang di"
di toko masing-masing (mama n tante gw buak toko yg berbeda)
detik-detik sebelum ke toko, gw ajak ade" gw latihan lagunya, jg beli bbrapa snack buat kasih ke beberapa karyawan toko tante gw yg sudah menjadi ibu.

situasi ada temen mama dtg... prediksi, agak malu nih nyanyiinya
tapi pas ke dua ibu2 itu diem,
gw lgsg minta emak dengerin gw n adek gw... #hening
mulailah kita bernyanyi... llalalalaa....~
ternyata pas nyanyi itu tiba-tiba gw yg nangis, usap-usap air mata...
pas selesai nyanyi, berharap emak gw jg merasa terharu, tapi ternyata emak gw yg sambil sibuk urusin anak temennya cuma bilang, ooohh kalian nyanyi...
---____---- #oke, rencana 1 gagal total, tapi tetep kasih uacapan n cipika-cipiki
masih ada kesempatan ke 2 nih, yg 1 gagal gpp deh....

kita masuk toko langsung nyanyi...
gw udah mau mewek lagi, berlinang air mata, pdhal lagunya aga riang...
ternyata hasilnyaa.... tante gw ikut nyanyi aja, sambil berkomentar ada salah nada n salah baca....
---____--- #oke kayaknya rencana hari ini gagal...

padahal tahun2 sbelumnya, setiap thn gw brhasil mmbuat mreka tersentuh, bukan gw yg tersentuh...
#next time must be better# >////<

rencana terakhir, bagi-bagi snack ke kayawati tante gw, mreka seneng bgd
jd melihat itu yg diluar prediksi gw, cukup terhibur juga laahh


lanjutannya, gw berencana untuk ajak murid-murid sekolah (malam) minggu di vihara untuk buat kartu ucapan hari ibu, sambil ajarin mereka nyanyi "Shi shang zhi you mama hao"....
ternyata ada suatu yg istimewa, pd saat gw jelasin arti lagunya mereka (bahkan ibu-ibu d vihara) sangat tersentuh sama arti liriknya, mereka nangis.....
murid-murid gw pun berencana akan menyanyikan lagu itu kepada mama mereka ketika sampai di rumah, lalu memberikan kartu ucapan hari ibu hiasan mereka yg berisi doa dan ucapan terima kasih mereka.

sekarang gw ngerti knpa gak cma gw yg tersentuh (nangis), murid-murid kecil+besar gw, n ibu-ibu di situ pun pada nangis... Karena kita pahami bgd artinya, ternyata bener yah, mama tuh begini-begini..... ternyata bener yah mama tuh gitu-gitu.....

semoga kalian juga bisa ngerti n sayang mama kita, kalian, setiap hari, selagi mereka ADA.....


di bawah terlampir lirik lagu beserta arti dan video nya.. :)

世 上 只有 妈妈 好

世 上 只有 妈妈 好
Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo 
Earth above only mom great (Only mom is great in the world)

有 妈 的 孩子 像 *块 宝
Yǒu mā de háizi xiàng *kuài bǎo
Has mom kid like a gem (A kid who has a mom is like a gem)
*块 kuài, classifier for objects like cake, soap...

投 进 妈妈的 怀抱
Tóu jìn māma de huáibào
Casts into mom's arms

幸福 享 不 了
Xìngfú xiǎng bù liǎo
Happiness enjoy without end (Enjoys the happiness without end)

世 上 只有 妈妈 好
Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo 
Earth above only mom great (Only mom is great in the world)

没 妈 的 孩子 像 *根 草
Méi mā de háizi xiàng *gēn cǎo
Without mom kid like a grass (A kid who has no mom is like grass)
*根 gēn, classifier for long slender objects.

离开 妈妈的 怀抱
Líkāi māma de huáibào
Leave mom's arms

幸福 那里 找
Xìngfú nǎlǐ zhǎo
Happiness where find (Where to find the happiness)

世 上 只有 妈妈 好
Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo
Earth above only mom great (Only mom is great in the world)

有 妈 的 孩子 像 块 宝
Yǒu mā de háizi xiàng kuài bǎo
Has mom kid like a gem (A kid who has a mom is like a gem)

投 进 妈妈的 怀抱
Tóu jìn māma de huáibào 
Cast into mom's arms

梦 里 也 会 笑
Mèng lǐ yě huì xiào
Dream inside also will smile (Will also smile in the dreams)


天下的妈妈都是一样的 Semua ibu di dunia adalah sama

哦,天下的妈妈都是一样的 Oh, Semua ibu dari dunia adalah sama妈妈 mama
不管风吹雨打Terlepas dari angin dan hujan

不管星期或例假 Terlepas dari minggu atau cuti
我的妈妈从来不放假 Ibuku tidak pernah libur
工作为了家 Bekerja untuk mendukung keluarganya
厨房是她的天下 Dapur adalah dunianya
狮子头还有红烧鸭 The Lionhead Ada bebek direbus (nama makanan)
样样她都精通不会假 Semuanya dia mahir tidak pura-pura
她是我妈妈 Dia adalah ibu saya

天下的妈妈都是一样的 Semua ibu di dunia adalah sama

哦,天下的妈妈都是一样的 Oh, Semua ibu dari dunia adalah sama
从小常常挨骂 Dari kecil sering dimarahi
那是因为我不听话 Itu karena saya tidak mendengarkan

不要以为这是种惩罚 Jangan berpikir ini adalah jenis hukuman
她只要我长大 Dia hanya ingin saya tumbuh besar
妈妈我感谢你 Ibu, saya sangat berterima kasih
没有把我跟大毛比 Saya dibandingkan dengan kuas (yg ini krg paham, maaf)
虽然我考试没有得第一 walaupun saja tidak pernah juara 1 (atau ujian mnjadi yg 1)
她说只要你尽了力 Dia mengatakan bahwa selama Anda melakukan harus sekuat tenaga

天下的妈妈都是一样的 Semua ibu di dunia adalah sama

哦,天下的妈妈都是一样的 Oh, Semua ibu dari dunia adalah sama
不管太阳升起 terlepas dari matahari terbit
不管夕阳它又落西 Terlepas dari matahari terbenam juga dari Barat
为了我们你牺牲了自己 demi kami mengorbankan diri Anda sendiri
我永远不会忘记 Aku tidak akan pernah lupa
将来有那么一天 Masa depan akan menjadi hari
我把太阳高高升起 Saya akan mengangkat matahari setinggi-tingginya (mencapai cita2)
挂在你永远满足的笑意里Tergantung (membuat anda) di senyum yang puas
妈妈我爱你 Ibu, aku mencintaimu
La la la la la la la ...

Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Sevam go to Gelanggang Samudra Ancol

Selanjutnya SEVAM jalan-jalan ke Gelanggang Samudra
soalnya terakhir kita semua pegy tuh pas sd hehehhehe~

Sevam go to Gelanggang Samudra Ancol Slideshow: Sih’s trip to Jakarta was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

Sevam Backpacker to Yogyakarta

Kami 7 mahasiswi, mencoba backpacker pertama kali ke Jogja

Sevam Backpacker to Yogyakarta Slideshow: Asih’s trip to Yogyakarta was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

me, nature and animal

guys guwa mau share ajah niyh
ke eksotisan puncak, secara singkat huehehhehehe =D

Me, Nature And Animal Slideshow: Zy_cat_empus’s trip from Jakarta, Java, Indonesia to Bandung was created by TripAdvisor. See another Bandung slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Ino Yamanaka (山中いの, Yamanaka Ino) & the Naruto Ganks

kalo disuruh bandingin Ino dan Sakura, guwa akan memilih Ino. Sakura udah bantu dibantu Ino dalam berbagai hal, tapi sakura lebih memilih jadi rival Ino untuk rebutin Sasuke, syg bgd...

Ino adalah gadis yang yakin jauh lebih populer dan diri daripada Sakura.
ketika mereka bertemu diAkademi Ninja, dia yakin Sakura yang menyembunyikan ukuran dahinya.
Ino memberikan pita-nya untuk Sakura, dan menunjukkan bahwa Sakura memiliki potensi besar.
Dia membantu Sakura mendapatkan kepercayaan dirinya.
Ketika Sakura menjadi tertarik kepada Sasuke , dan mengetahui bahwa Ino tertarik kepadanya juga, Sakura pun mengakhiri persahabatan mereka dan menyakiti Ino, agar dia bisa bersaing dengan Ino.
Ino kemudian berteman dengan Sakura lagi selama Ujian Chunin , namun mereka masih saingan dianggap oleh banyak orang.


Ino terus berpikir tentang anak laki-laki dan berharap bahwa diet untuk menurunkan berat badan akan membuatnya lebih menarik bagi mereka. Ino juga bisa sangat percaya diri, baik hati, dan blak-blakan, tidak takut untuk berbicara pikirannya, dan kadang-kadang menunjukkan bahwa Choji harus menurunkan berat badan. Dia tertarik pada Sasuke dan dia menangis ketika Sasuke ditetapkan sebagai pidana internasional, menunjukkan bahwa ia masih peduli baginya meskipun keturunan ke dalam kegelapan.


Dia juga membutuhkan upaya besar untuk menjaga dan memperbaiki penampilannya, seperti yang terlihat dari kebiasaan di atas diet. Ciri-ciri yang paling nyata dalam penampilannya adalah mata hijaunya (biru di anime) dan rambut panjang pirang, selalu terlihat di ekor kuda dengan poni menutupi sisi kanan wajahnya.Pada awal Bagian I, rambutnya mencapai ke pinggang, ia memotong rambutnya selama perjuangannya dengan Sakura, dan setelah, dia mengenakan disanggul. Dalam Bagian kemudian saya penampilan, rambut Ino telah berkembang menjadi leher panjang. Hal ini kembali ke pinggang-panjang oleh Bagian II.

Dalam hal pakaian, Ino lebih sering terlihat mengenakan ungu, dan lebih mengungkapkan, pakaian, tampaknya untuk memamerkan bentuk tubuhnya.Selama Bagian I, ia mengenakan rompi ungu pendek seperti kemeja dengan kerah mengangkat, rok yang dipotong pada sisi dan perban di perut dan kakinya. Dia juga mengenakan penghangat siku ungu dan putih dengan ini, dan ikat kepala nya di pinggang sebagai ikat pinggang. Selama filler anime, dia berhenti memakai penghangat siku.


  • Ino adalah singkatan inoshishi (猪), yang berarti "babi hutan", maka Sakura memanggilnya Ino-babi-chan (いのブタちゃん, Ino-buta-chan). Yamanaka (山中) berarti "di antara gunung-gunung". Babi hutan yang sangat terkait dengan gunung-gunung di Jepang dan bahkan disebut sebagai paus pegunungan (山鲸, yamakujira),karena jumlah daging yang mereka hasilkan.
  • Keluarganya memiliki toko bunga tempat ia bekerja paruh waktu.
  • Ino menduduki peringkat sebagai karakter paling populer ke-17 dalam jajak pendapat popularitas karakter Naruto keenam. Dia ditempatkan 14 dalam jajak pendapat kelima dan 23 dalam jajak pendapat keempat. Dia selesai 30 dalam jajak pendapat pertama.
  • Penyebutan hanya ibu Ino adalah ketika dia dan Sakura mengunjungi Sasuke di rumah sakit. Dia berteriak, "Bu, saya akan keluar untuk berjalan-jalan." Namun, tidak ada respons.
  • Menurut Fanbook Naruto pertama, Ino memiliki keseluruhan nilai terbaik di Akademi. Dia memiliki nilai tertinggi dalam ninjutsu dan ketegasan dan kelas tertinggi kedua di taijutsu, genjutsu, kerjasama, dan sikap kelas. Meskipun Sasuke memiliki nilai tertinggi dalam ninjutsu, taijutsu, dan genjutsu, ia kelas terendah dalam kerjasama dan kedua terendah di kelas ketegasan, menjatuhkan rata-rata nya.
  • Dalam pembukaan Naruto Shippūden ketujuh , Ino ditunjukkan berjuang Konan dengan Hinata dan Sakura , meskipun di manga, mereka tidak melawan dia.
  • Menurut Databook Naruto:
    • Ino's hobi belanja .
    • Ino keinginan untuk pertandingan ulang dengan Sakura .
    • makanan favorit Ino adalah tomat ceri dan puding, sedangkan favoritnya paling sedikit adalah sashimi.
    • Ino telah menyelesaikan 40 misi resmi di total: 23 D-rank, 9 C-peringkat, 6 B-peringkat, 2 peringkat-A, 0 S-peringkat.
    • favorit frase's Ino adalah "banyak kata bunga" (花言葉の数々, Hanakotoba kazukazu tidak ada).


Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the title character, and main protagonist of the series. Although he is only a Genin of Konohagakure, he is trained as a sage and thus is one of the village's most powerful ninja. He is the son and only child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, a member of Team Kakashi, and the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox
Sakura Haruno (春野サクラ, Haruno Sakura) is a main character in the anime and manga series Naruto. She is a Chunin-level kunoichi of Konohagakure, a medical-nin, and a member of Team Kakashi.she also likes Sasuke
Sasuke Uchiha (うちはサスケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is a main character in Naruto and is a major dynamic character in the series. Although he starts off as one of the protagonists, as the story goes on, he becomes one of the series' main antagonists. Sasuke is a missing-nin from Konohagakure, and is currently an international criminal.
Kakashi Hatake (はたけカカシ, Hatake Kakashi) is one of the main protagonists in the anime and manga series Naruto. He is a Konohagakure Jonin, a former ANBU, and the leader of Team 7. Kakashi is the only child of Sakumo Hatake(The White Fang) and, like his father, he is regarded as a genius among his peers. After his meteoric rise through the ninja ranks, Kakashi became the student of Minato Namikaze, and subsequently became a Jonin during the Third Great Shinobi War. Following the war, Kakashi gained his reputation, and is well-known worldwide for his use of the Sharingan, earning him the moniker Copy Ninja Kakashi (コピー忍者のカカシ, Kopī Ninja no Kakashi) and Kakashi of the Sharingan (写輪眼のカカシ, Sharingan no Kakashi).

Minato Namikaze (波風ミナト, Namikaze Minato), also known as Konoha's Yellow Flash (木ノ葉の黄色い閃光, Konoha no Kiiroi Senkō; English "Yellow Flash of the Leaf"), was the Fourth Hokage (四代目火影, Yondaime Hokage; Literally meaning "Fourth Fire Shadow"), The father of Naruto Uzumaki and lover of Kushina Uzumaki . He was the student of Jiraiya and the teacher of Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox (九尾の妖狐, Kyūbi no Yōko) is the most powerful out of all nine of the tailed beasts; a single swipe from just one of its nine tails can raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. After the Nine-Tails attacked Konohagakure, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, sacrificed his own life by sealing it within his newborn son, Naruto Uzumaki.
Gaara (我愛羅) is a main protaganist in the anime and manga series Naruto. He is a shinobi of Sunagakure and is the Fifth Kazekage (五代目風影, Godaime Kazekage; Literally meaning "Fifth Wind Shadow"). Gaara is also the youngest child of the late Fourth Kazekage, and the younger brother of both Kankuro and Temari. He is the Jinchūriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku and, being raised as a tool of Sunagakure, Gaara gained the nickname Gaara of the Sand Waterfall (砂瀑の我愛羅, Sabaku no Gaara; English "Gaara of the Desert"). Though Gaara debuted as a main antoganist, as the series progresses, he is one of the series' main protaganists
Temari (テマリ) is a Jonin-level kunoichi of Sunagakure. She is the oldest child of the Fourth Kazekage, and is thus the older sister of Gaara and Kankuro. Like her siblings, Temari is seen less often than the other main characters in the series.
Kankuro (カンクロウ, Kankurō) is a Jonin-level Shinobi of Sunagakure. He is the younger brother of Temari and the older brother of Gaara, and the middle child of the late Fourth Kazekage. Like his siblings, Kankuro is usually seen less often than the other main characters in the series.
Shikamaru Nara (奈良シカマル, Nara Shikamaru) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a Chunin-level Shinobi of Konohagakure, and is a member of the Nara clan, as well as a member of the Chunin team, Team Asuma, which was formerly led by Asuma Sarutobi. Along with his teammates, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka, he is a member of the new generation of Ino-Shika-Cho, just like their fathers before them.
Choji Akimichi (秋道チョウジ, Akimichi Chōji) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a Chunin-level Shinobi of Konohagakure, and is a member of the Akimichi clan, as well as a member of the chunin team, Team Asuma, which was formerly led by Asuma Sarutobi. Alongside Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka, he forms the new Ino-Shika-Cho.
Ino Yamanaka (山中いの, Yamanaka Ino) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. She is a ninja; a Chunin-level kunoichi of Konohagakure, a member of the Yamanaka clan, and a member of Team Asuma. Along with her teammates; Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara, Ino is also a member of the new generation of Ino-Shika-Cho, just like their fathers were before them, and a Medical-nin.
Asuma Sarutobi (猿飛アスマ, Sarutobi Asuma) was the leader of Team 10, consisting of Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka.
Hinata Hyuga (日向ヒナタ, Hyūga Hinata) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. She is a kunoichi of Konohagakure, and is a member of the Hyuga clan, as well as a member of Team Kurenai.
Shino Aburame (油女シノ, Aburame Shino) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a Chunin-level Shinobi of Konohagakure, and a member of the Aburame bug-user clan, as well as a member of Team Kurenai.
Kiba Inuzuka (犬塚キバ, Inuzuka Kiba) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a Chunin-level Shinobi of Konohagakure and a member of the Inuzuka Dog-User clan, as well as a member of the Chunin team, Team Kurenai, along with Shino Aburame and Hinata Hyuga. Kiba is usually seen with and fights in collaboration with his partner, Akamaru.
Kurenai Yuhi (夕日紅, Yūhi Kurenai) is the Konoha Jonin in charge of Team 8, which consists of Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga. Kurenai's team specializes in tracking, and she is an expert in the ninja art of Genjutsu.
Neji Hyuga (日向ネジ, Hyūga Neji) is one of the main supporting protagonists of the series. He is a Jonin-level Shinobi of Konohagakure, and a branch member of the Hyuga clan. He is also a member of Team Guy, and is famed as a natural genius.
Rock Lee (ロック・リー, Rokku Rī) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a Chunin of Konohagakure and a taijutsu specialist. Along with Neji and Tenten, Rock Lee is a member of Team Guy, under the leadership of their Jonin-sensei, Might Guy
Tenten (テンテン) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. She is a Chunin-level kunoichi of Konohagakure. She is the female member of Team Guy, and the teammate of Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga. She's a weapons specialist, using throwing weapons she keeps in specially prepared scrolls.
Might Guy (マイト・ガイ, Maito Gai) is the extremely zealous leader of Team Guy, consisting of Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, and Tenten. Fansubs have often dubbed his name as Maito Gai, a direct and unaltered transliteration of the character's name, but the second official Naruto data book (Hiden: Tō no Sho) states his name as Might Guy. The English version of the anime and manga both use Might Guy as well.
Jiraiya (自来也) was one of the legendary Sannin, along with Tsunade and Orochimaru, who was trained by the Third Hokage. He was a self-proclaimed super-pervert, and wrote a popular adult fiction book series, called Icha Icha--a favorite of Kakashi Hatake. He was also known as the Toad Sage (蝦蟇仙人, Gama Sennin), because of his signature toad summonings. Jiraiya had the kanji character for 'Oil' (油, Abura) on his customized forehead protector.
Tsunade (綱手) was the Fifth Hokage (五代目火影, Godaime Hokage; Literally meaning "Fifth Fire Shadow") of Konohagakure, taking over after Hiruzen Sarutobi died; she was replaced by Danzo, however, after she went into a coma during Pain's invasion.Tsunade is the only known still-living member of the Senju clan; she is directly descended from the First Hokage, her grandfather Hashirama Senju--and is related to the Second Hokage, her granduncle Tobirama Senju. Along with Orochimaru and Jiraiya, Tsunade is one of the Legendary Sannin of Konoha; and as of Jiraiya's death and Orochimaru's permanent sealing, Tsunade is the only one of her former teammates who is still alive. Tsunade excels in medical ninjutsu and was referred to by Shikaku as the world's strongest and most beautiful kunoichi. Jiraiya also mentioned that Tsunade was the only ninja in the world who could spike a drink without a shinobi knowing it.
Orochimaru (大蛇丸, Orochimaru) was one of Konohagakure's Sannin. He later became a member of Akatsuki and the leader of Otogakure. He was the primary antagonist for most of Part I. orochi means great snake and maru is a common suffix in male names.
Hiruzen Sarutobi (猿飛ヒルゼン, Sarutobi Hiruzen) was the Third Hokage (三代目火影, Sandaime Hokage; Literally meaning "Third Fire Shadow"). Together with Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, he was the student of the first two Hokages, Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju, and the teacher of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru.
Yamato (ヤマト) is a member of Konoha's ANBU, and a younger peer of Kakashi Hatake. He is also the temporary leader of Kakashi's team, and one of the main protagonists of the series. "Yamato" is actually a codename given to him by Tsunade for the purposes of joining Team 7, his real name being Tenzo (テンゾウ, Tenzō). Yamato, however, seems to prefer going by his codename while near his teammates, although Kakashi still calls him Tenzo.
Akatsuki (暁; Literally meaning "Dawn" or "Daybreak") is a criminal organization of S-Class missing-nins and is the most wanted group in all of shinobi world. Their main goal is to collect all of the tailed beasts for their plan of world domination. Akatsuki at any given time is composed of no more than ten primary members, all of whom were S-Class criminals of their own respective villages. Members always work in teams of two with the exception of Zetsu, who functions as the organization's spy, and make use of their unique skills to the team's advantage. Team members must function very well or at least to accomplish their task even though they have a mutual problems with each other. The organization is rarely fully assembled, when one member said it was the first time in seven years when they were all together. Akatsuki is widespread, spanning several countries with agents in various places. When one team finds a tailed beast and has to begin the job of sealing the beast, they have hidden hideouts with many traps ready, to begin the sealing with the organization's leader's astral projection for a three-day long jutsu.
The members were
Deidara (Deceased; Not replaced)
Hidan (Presumed Deceased; Not replaced)
Kisame Hoshigaki (Deceased; Not replaced)
Kakuzu (Deceased; Not replaced)
Konan (Defected; Not replaced)
Orochimaru (Defected; Presumed Deceased; Not replaced)
Pain (Akatsuki public leader[12]; Deceased; Not replaced)
Sasori (Deceased; Replaced by Tobi)
Madara Uchiha, aka Tobi (Akatsuki Founder)
Itachi Uchiha (Deceased; Not replaced)

Kabuto Yakushi (薬師カブト, Yakushi Kabuto) is Orochimaru's former personal medic, assistant, and general right-hand man.

Sai (サイ) is one of the main characters of the series. He is a young ninja from Root who specializes in techniques that use ink. He replaces Sasuke Uchiha in Team Kakashi.

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